Romana English
Hotel rooms
Suceava, Bucovina

We can show you around in a car/minibus with guide at very affordable rates. A typical day tour for up to 4 persons would cost around 100 euro per group /day (includes car, fuel, guide) - with minor differences depending on the chosen route. Let us know in advance and we can organize this for you.

Bucovina Monasteries (Voroneţ, Humor, Arbore, Putna, Moldovita, Sucevita, Dragomirna, etc)  

Cell of Daniil the Hermit, close adviser of Stephan the Great; curious hollowed-out rock with a door and a window (D.N 17+D.J 209, access by car 2h)

Marginea known for black ceramics, manufactured after a 2000 years old technique; (DJ 209, access by car 1:10’)

Vama, Arbore, Fundu Moldovei, Dorna are interesting for the traditional clothes people are still wearing and also for the traditional objects people are manufacturing and selling

Wood Museum and Hunting Museum from Câmpulung Moldovenesc; (DE 20, access by car 1:20’)

Museum for folk traditions in Bucovina which periodically organizes exhibitions

Etnographic  etnografic from Solca; (DJ 209, access by car 1:10’)

History Museum in Suceava (there are wax statues of Stephan the Great and his close military advisers); (DN 17, access by car 10’)

Suceava Fortress – built around 1370 by Petru Muşat; (DN 17, access by car 10’)

Pietrele Doamnei Rezervation, Rarău Mountain - „gotic towers” in a wild landscape; (DN 17, access by car 2h)

Secular Forests of Slătioara – absolutely wild forest of an unparalleled beauty; (DN 17 + DJ 177A, access by car 1h + 2 km walk)

Poiana Stampei Natural Rezervation – accomodates a carnivore flower, unique in the world -  „Roua cerului”; (DE 20,  access by car, 2:15’)

Secular Herbs of Bosanci – some very nice exotic flowers grow here, originarry from Asia; (DN 17+ DE 20, access by car)

Geologic rezervation „12 apostols”, Călimani Mountain; (DE 20+ DJ, till  Gura Haitii access by car 2h)

”Mocăniţa” – an old picturesque train from Moldoviţa region; (DN 17A+ DJ 176, access by car 1:10’).

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